
EDTC 6343

Page history last edited by Victoria Lopez 11 years, 11 months ago


Course Work for 6343 is linked here!


Link to Work Submitted

 Case Study

 Grant Summary

Mr. Haddad Case Study.docx

Grant app summary.docx

09/16/12  Power Point Test A: Branches of Government Victoria Lopez EDTC 6343.61 PPT A Branches of Govt2.pptx
09/23/12  Excel Test A: Weight on Different Planets  Victoria Lopez EDTC 6343.61. Excel Spreadsheet test 1(1).xlsx

Grant Application 

Case Study

Excel Test A: Weight on Different Planets

EDTC 6343.61 Victoria Lopez Grant application.docx  

EDTC 6343.61 Victoria Lopez Mr. Gonzalez Case Study.docx

Victoria Lopez EDTC 6343.61. Excel Spreadsheet test 1(1).xlsx

10/07/12  Power Point Test B: Butterflies  Victoria Lopez EDTC 6343.61 PPT 2 Butterflies.pptx
10/10/12  Competency 001: D-E  EDTC 6343.61 Victoria Lopez Competency 001D E.pptx  
10/14/12  Excel Test B: Cost of Labor  Victoria Lopez EDTC 6343.61 Excel Spreadsheet B.xlsx
10/21/12  Grant Application  EDTC 6343.61 Victoria Lopez Grant application(1).docx  

Power Point Test C: Cells

Excel Test C: Inflation 

Victoria Lopez EDTC 6343.61 PPT Cellspractice_test3.pptx  

Victoria Lopez EDTC 6343.61 Excel Spreadsheet C Inflation.xlsx 

12/02/12  Case Study C  EDTC 6343.61 Victoria Lopez Miss Martinez Case Study.docx  







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